Sin Three - LUST

I have chosen the third seven deadly sin to remodelled for a specific reason; FRESHERS, Carnage, Bar Crawls – all lead to one key part of being a student – Lust. What with there being so many student events on ... I have heard a lot of dirty talk from alcohol-fuelled confidence.

Lust to me means an object you desire, something you long to have yet cannot, however once you have it ... it is then quick to thrown away; the same can be said of a student ‘fling’ aka one-night-standTo be honest this is supposedly the ‘norm’ when coming to University, but why? Maybe, it’s because we participate in many alcohol related activities in the UK, or maybe we are just all randy rabbitswho knows?!  

... Another definition of Lust can be deemed as; an emotion or feeling of intense desire in the body … Lust is a powerful psychological force producing intense wanting for an object, or circumstance fulfilling the emotion. (Richard Lazarus with Bernice N Lazarus, Passion and Reason: Making Sense of Our Emotions, 1994, New York: Oxford University)

On that note my twist to this sin - when looking at it from a student’s point of view is sex. Many students enjoy ‘lustful’ nights whilst at university; so through improvising with makeup, photographic enhancement and a student budget; I have aimed to portray Lust as sex.

We are now a generation where sex is acceptable and openly talked about, as I agree it should be. As long as you are being safe, why should you not have some playful fun, sexual experiences are part of your life – they aid in the development from youth to adult.  What I do not agree with though, is girls and boys alike throwing themselves out there. There is a time and place for everything, and yes desperation really does STINK – there is nothing worse than a sex-pest!!

It’s not only guys that are now luring the opposite sex into bed, women are just as bad, if not worse. Wearing provocative clothing, alluring make-up and boosting their 'confidence' with alcohol does not help the ‘student sex stereotype’. Is this because we know we can get our own way through sexual temptations , or could it be that with maturity comes acceptance; people are less quick to judge your sexual background and more open to new experiences?

 My own personal view on the student sin Lust is that sex is now sex; there is no emotional attachment, and it is becoming hard to distinguish what was once playful flirting during the ‘courting’ stage. Many individuals, not only students, become lost in sin like temptationsLust being the easiest to give into due ‘hormones’. They forget Lust once used to be old-school; it used to be enticing the other into bed not jumping at the first chance. 

Hopefully I have enlightened you into the world of a student and our lustfully sinful lifestyle, I will leave you with a Shakespearean quote which portrays Lust’s true principles xox.

Love comforteth like sunshine after rain,

But Lust's effect is tempest after sun;

Love's gentle spring doth always fresh remain,

Lust's winter comes ere summer half be done;

Love surfeits not, Lust like a glutton dies;

Love is all truth, Lust full of forged lies.

(Venus and Adonis 799-804, Adonis)

The Second Sin - Pride

Imagination and creativity is something I have a lot of as you are mostly all aware ... so because I have started to depict a student’s lifestyle in relation to the Seven Deadly Sins I thought I might put a twist on my second remodelled sin - Pride

When you typically think of pride – you might think of someone who is ‘self-obsessed’ or ‘arrogant’ … well personally that is two things I don’t think a student is?! Ok, so maturity is a word we may forget now and then, but other than a little friendly banter the only way I can relate students with Pride (as a sin) is GAY PRIDE.

The concept of Gay Pride is to encourage individuals to come forward and be PROUD of who they are, and what they believe in! Many students come to University not just to receive a better education, but to also learn who they really are. It is a time in your life when you can be you. Hopefully the photographs in this post of my friend and I will show this. 

A close friend of mine, who kindly agreed to feature in my blog, told me the easiest time to ‘come out’ is at University because you are starting afresh; no-one knows your past, you make new friends who accept you no matter what; and generally speaking, you only go to University once so why hold back?!

Homophobic behaviour is something I DESPISE – you cannot help what the heart wants; be it someone of a different sex or the same, it is something that people need to just ‘deal with’. Our generation is a lot more accepting of things in general, yet we still have a long way to go before the world becomes completely tolerant. How about starting slowly and seeing where it goes ... and what better place to start than University! 

If you look in the mirror, what do you see staring back; is it you or maybe someone you pretend to be – I am not writing this post to judge, purely to express my views. I believe in order to lead a happy life you need inner-peace and if you cannot be true to yourself who can you be?
The photographs are in order to represent; Vulnerability, Judgement, Confusion, Expression and not forgetting most importantly FREEDOM !!

With our student budget, the use of bright UV colours and some excellent make-up and photography skills we want to demonstrate to others that be PROUD of who you arewho cares what others think, this is your life so live it the way you want to …

I am now at The End of yet another post, so thank you for reading and I will leave you with a website promoting one of the most momentous events in the UK – GAY PRIDE 

- happy viewing and stay tuned for another Deadly Student Sin very soon !!

The First Sin - SLOTH

Seeing as I have been slacking with my blog (for valid reasons) I felt it only necessary, that my first of the Seven Deadly Sins, was Sloth ?!
Sloth represents laziness, the definition of Sloth can be deemed as  - Aversion to work or exertion; laziness; indolence. (googles definition) .. so with this in mind, apologies for being one.

In this section of my blog I have included some photographs taken by a good friend. The photos consist of me, made up in the character of Sloth from the sins. It is a visual aid in understanding how the “modern day” sins are perceived.
Holding the title ‘student’ instantly means you are judged. Yes - we may be a little lazy at times, yes - we may dine on takeaways (from time-to-time) and yes we may even be slightly lustful .. however if this is not the time to be creating memories how long until we can start?!

I wanted the photographs to reflect the 'student lifestyle', so they are simple shots; a standard 12mpx camera, my room and a good friend (who is also creative). With limited funds (student life), we worked with what we had.
Both the myth of the Sloth and the ‘typical student’ can be related, in the way of both are lazy; students are well known for their day long lie-ins, 99.9% attendance and essay writing the night before.

My images aim to capture laziness by the use of my chosen setting; in my bed, wrapped warmly in my duvet and wearing my pyjamas. Many students wear their pyjamas as much as possible, (maybe it’s because they are comfy?!) I would spend all my free time in bed if I didn't have so much to do … a wise man once said to me - “make sure you have a comfy bed, because you spend over half your life in it”. ITS SO TRUE and that wise man happens to be my Grandfather (J, Tapley, 79) !! <3

My choice of make-up and colour was because I wanted to give a cool, calm , sleep effect. Blue is a tranquil colour – when I think of being lazy and the colour blue it truly makes me feel slightly tired?! My lovely friend very nicely helped with the design of my hair, make-up and photo shoot style. We wanted to create something feminine yet bold. The Zzz’s not only represent sleep, but will appear in each of my sinful photographs because I felt they would be a little quirky and unique addition. I intend to design a symbol for each of the sins I remodel.

So seeing as it is the end of my section on Sloth I will tell you my worst habit that relates to Sloth I am lazy when it comes to getting out of bed in the morning! It is the hardest thing to do; I swear my bed just clings on to me!! I will leave you now hopefully with a little more knowledge on the first sin of a student; my next post will hopefully be even more adventurous so watch out !!

Seven - The Film

I finally got to watch the film Seven the other day ... I'm not going to spoil anything because WATCH IT !!
With Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman as the leading roles in a film structured around the Seven Deadly Sins - what more could you want?!

The film is different from what I will be usually blogging about. I specialise in the beauty, deceit and characteristics of the Sins, in comparison to the film which contains a large amount of gore, blood and murders featuring in it... 
... However likewise to my version, the film does portrays fantastic visuals of the sins combined with the use of a well thought structured story line.


So as you can probably tell I very much enjoyed the film .. though I was slightly disappointed with the ending, but hey that's just my opinion - watch it a see if you agree?! I warn you the film Seven is not for the faint hearted!!

Anyway happy watching and remember - only you create your own sins!!


The Sins

Different perceptions of the Seven Deadly Sins :-

The Seven Deadly Sins

The Seven Deadly Sins consist of;

  • Lust
  • Gluttony
  • Greed
  • Sloth
  • Wrath
  • Envy
  • Pride

All of of these sins humanity beholds - adaptions of these sins occurring all the time. I like that individuals are re-creating the sins because these sins can be anything, dependent on the eye of the beholder. 

What the artist portrays within the images all comes down to their specific interests; my Seven Deadly Sins blog is on imagery and makeup. Personally I like the way in which a woman can be portrayed through the use of creativity because I believe emotion can be shown better through imagery - however that is for you to decide..

..and with that I shall leave you with a fact on the sins:

"Beginning in the early 14th century, the popularity of the seven deadly sins as a theme among European artists of the time eventually helped to ingrain them in many areas of Catholic culture and Catholic consciousness in general throughout the world. One means of such ingraining was the creation of the mnemonic "SALIGIA" based on the first letters in Latin of the seven deadly sins: Superbia, Avaritia,Luxuria, Invidia, Gula, Ira, Acedia."
 (Boyle, Marjorie O'Rourke (1997) [1997-10-23]. "Three: The Flying Serpent". Loyola's Acts: The Rhetoric of the Self. The New Historicism: Studies in Cultural Poetics,. 36. Berkeley:University of California Press. pp. 100–146.)


Soo it is exactly 00:50am I cannot sleep because I am feeling rather creative at the moment, and I thought here is a good time to start my blog?!

Just to fill you in on a bit about me :-

Name: Monica Joyce Filtness
Age: 22
From: Eastbourne (born in Crawley)
Starsign: Aquarius
Studying: Creative and Media Writing @ Portsmouth University
Likes: Music; Film; Writing; Socialising; Laughing
Dislikes: Bullies; Racism; Spiders

The reason I am writing this blog is not only for the purpose of my Professional Writing studies but also because I have a passion in makeup and photography - and also promoting.

One of my closest friends here at University has kindly agreed to make me up in the fashion of the 7 Deadly Sins and is allowing me to blog about the photographs I will be uploading.

I will be talking about each of the sins in greater detail, commentating on the makeup used to create the look and talking about the forthcoming sin.

Anyway I hope you enjoy reading/viewing my blog and keep tuned for more updates ;b

Loveeee Monica Sunshine Filtness xoxo.